Emergency Aid
As Malawi is just recovering from the effects of the last year’s Tropical Cyclone Ana, now it is hit again with another Tropical Cyclone Freddy. Tropical Cyclone Freddy has hit Malawi the hardest unlike the previous cyclones. Currently people have got no food, no shelter, no safe water and no electricity. The government doesn’t even have resources to support the victims as it is already struggling in meeting its national economy needs. People are starving, sanitation is compromised and the situation is just very dare unless some intervention is done. According to government official report, Chikwawa district alone has 8,837 displaced households and 37,125 displaced people living in the flood camps.
We would like to thank our partner organization PATIMALAWI in Switzerland and generous well-wishers from both Switzerland and Germany for your generous support towards supporting flood victims in Malawi. In total we received CHF10, 000.