Success Stories
These success stories cover the top highlights of all the activities Youth Coalition for the Consolidation of Democracy (YCD) and Pamodzi Tingathe have done as well as capturing the successes achieved during the financial year June 2022 – May 2023.
YCD would like to thank Pamodzi Tingathe association for the financial support towards our activities in Malawi. Through the Pamodzi Tingathe President (Brigit) we would like to thank the Pamodzi Tingathe Board members for your tireless efforts in supporting us. We would like to also thank all well-wishers from both Switzerland and Germany who made their donations through Pamodzi Tingathe. We received your donations and we were able to carry out different activities as shown below because of your precious donations.
Thank you all!
Best investment for human development
YCD and PATMALAWI successfully sent to school 152 needy children in Chikwawa district in Malawi during the year ended June, 2022 –May, 2023. We gave these children school fees, uniforms, notebooks and pens.

YCD graduates 75 inmates
in Life Skills at Chikwawa Prison during the year June – May 2022
The Life Skills program is meant to equip the prisoners with skills that will help them negotiate alternative activities and avoid activities that are criminal. The 75 prisoners that have graduated will also be given a business starter pack of CHF60 to facilitate their integration back into their communities and help them become productive citizens.

YCD supports 53 orphans
at Nchalo
The tropical Cyclones Ana and Freddy that hit Malawi the hardest in two successive years saw many children becoming orphans and destitute. There were 33 children who lost their parents and everything during the floods. Meanwhile, other 20 needy orphans were in the streets of Nchalo surviving on begging at Nchalo Market and sleeping in the market. Now, YCD and PATMALAWI have found foster families for all these 53 orphans, found sponsors to support them up until when they are 18 years of age. With support from the sponsors, YCD and PATMALAWI have given these foster families a business starter pack of CHF100, bought all the 53 orphans clothes. We also give these orphans a 10kgs bag of maize flour each twice a month.

As Malawi is just recovering from the effects of the last year’s Tropical Cyclone Ana, now it is hit again with another Tropical Cyclone Freddy. Tropical Cyclone Freddy has hit Malawi the hardest unlike the previous cyclones. Currently people have got no food, no shelter, no safe water and no electricity. The government doesn’t even have resources to support the victims as it is already struggling in meeting its national economy needs. People are starving, sanitation is compromised and the situation is just very dare unless some intervention is done. According to government official report, Chikwawa district alone has 8,837 displaced households and 37,125 displaced people living in the flood camps.